Monday, September 8, 2014

What's Your Spirit Animal?

We have a lot of great discussions at work. I'd like to report that we talk about the economy, politics and global health. I'd be lying. Last week, we talked about spirit animals. Everyone knew exactly what resonated for them: fox, loon, bear, squirrel... (I work with some unique people.) When it came to me, we were all stumped. They suggested a sloth (no), kangaroo (no) and a platypus (which was better, but no). Finally, someone suggested a phoenix.

Perfect! As you'll learn, I'm currently re-imagining what it means to be me, one year into a drastic career change, and usually on fire. Also, it means I'm the only one with an imaginary spirit animal, which is sweet. 

So, I'm a very busy phoenix, with at least two careers, two boys at home, a husband, two guinea pigs, a fish named Tyrone, with a side of chaos. I hope you'll join me...and let me know what you think!